Today I’m excited to start my weekend at Kapital Kidvention. Face paint artists unite!!!! This will be my third year to attend this convention, and I just love it!!!! There’s so many amazing face paint artists, teachers, balloon twisters, magicians, clowns, and a wonderful energy; it’s inevitable to learn and have a blast. I look forward to incorporating all the fabulous new things (I will learn this weekend) into my own work. Today I am registered to attend a class taught by one of the most amazing face paint artists in the world….I’m geeky thrilled!!!! How cool is that!?!?!? For the remainder of the weekend I plan on attending classes for both face painting and balloon twisting. I can never be “good enough.” That just sucks! At the conclusion to each day, we have what’s called “jam sessions” where we can get together, practice & share our craft. It’s great bonding time and an opportunity to learn little tidbits of information that are priceless. Add a little bit of wine (if that’s your thing) and it’s just a super fun fabulous time with results that are endless. I’ve packed entirely too much and I don’t care one bit. I’m excited and look forward to this fabulous & exhausting weekend. We don’t sleep much…it’s over-rated, right? I will do my best to take some pictures to share next week OR check out my Facebook page for updated posts. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to share some of the fun there throughout the weekend. Until then, I wish all of you a beautiful day & a fantastic weekend. 🙂